Jindent - Java Source Code Formatter http://www.jindent.com

title Statements

Blank lines before statements containing blocks

Blank lines before statements containing blocks

Inserts a specific number of blank lines before statements which contain blocks.
This feature separates bigger statements from other statments. The result is a source code output which statements are grouped into chunks separated by blank lines.

Inserting 1 blank line:

a = callMethod();                       
if (a < 10) {                           

Inserting 0 blank lines:

a = callMethod();                       
if (a < 10) {                           

We recommend to use this feature together with setting: "Blank lines after statements containing blocks"
For instance setting "Blank lines before statements containing blocks" and "Blank lines after statements containing blocks" to 1 blank line can create an output like:

public void method()                    
do {                                
while(x < n);                     
    a = callMethod();                   
if (a < 10) {                       

The output is separated into chunks which creates a clearly formatted structure.

Blank lines after statements containing blocks

Blank lines after statements containing blocks

Inserts a specific number of blank lines after statements which contain blocks.
This feature separates bigger statements from other statments. The result is a source code output which statements are grouped into chunks separated by blank lines.

Inserting 1 blank line:

do {                                    
while(x < n);                         
a = callMethod();                       

Inserting 0 blank lines:

do {                                    
while(x < n);                         
a = callMethod();                       

We recommend to use this feature together with setting: "Blank lines before statements containing blocks"
For instance setting "Blank lines before statements containing blocks" and "Blank lines after statements containing blocks" to 1 blank line can create an output like:

public void method()                    
do {                                 
while(x < n);                      
   a = callMethod();                    
if (a < 10) {                        

The output is separated into chunks and from there it has a clearly formatted structure.

Insert blank lines between different statement types

Insert blank lines between different statement types

Inserts a specific number of blank lines between statements of a different types.
This feature separates different statement and results into a source code output which statements are grouped into chunks separated by blank lines.

Original input source code:

public void main()                      
System.out.println("Hello World !");    // method call
callMethod();                           // method call
a = getSomething();                     // assingment
b = a + 1;                              // assingment
callAnotherMethod(a, b);                // method call
callEvenMoreMethods();                  // method call
a++;                                    // expression

Inserting 1 blank line and output looks like:

public void main()                      
System.out.println("Hello World !");    // method call
callMethod();                           // method call
a = getSomething();                     // assingment
b = a + 1;                              // assingment
callAnotherMethod(a, b);                // method call
callEvenMoreMethods();                  // method call
a++;                                    // expression

Blank lines before break statement

Blank lines before break statement

Inserts a specific number of blank lines before break statements.

Inserting 1 blank line:

case 1:                              
      x = x + 
      y = x / 

Inserting 0 blank lines:

case 1:                              
      x = x + 
      y = x / 

Blank lines before continue statement

Blank lines before continue statement

Inserts a specific number of blank lines before continue statements.

Inserting 1 blank line:

if ( condition )                        
   x = x + 
   y = y / 

Inserting 0 blank lines:

if ( condition )                        
   x = x + 
   y = y / 

Blank lines before return statement

Blank lines before return statement

Inserts a specific number of blank lines before return statements.

Inserting 1 blank line:

public int getA()                       
int x = callMethod();                
   x = x + 
return x;                            

Inserting 0 blank lines:

public int getA()                       
int x = callMethod();                
   x = x + 
return x;                            

Blank lines before throw statement

Blank lines before throw statement

Inserts a specific number of blank lines before throw statements.

Inserting 1 blank line:

if ( x == null )                        
text = createErrorText();            
throw new MyException(text);         

Inserting 0 blank lines:

if ( x == null )                        
text = createErrorText();            
throw new MyException(text);         