//J+ and //J- Comments
//JDOC- Comment


Additional Runtime Options
Align assignments C/C++ Java
Align assignments exceeding max. line length C/C++ Java
Align bit fields C/C++
Align bit fields exceeding max. line length C/C++
Align declarations exceeding max. line length C/C++ Java
Align default values exceeding max. line length Java
Align default values of annotations Java
Align dereference operators * to types and not to names C/C++
Align first ternary expression to ternary condition C/C++ Java
Align parameter declarations C/C++ Java
Align parameter declarations exceeding max. line length C/C++ Java
Align reference operators & to types and not to names C/C++
Align second ternary expression to first one C/C++ Java
Align trailing comments C/C++ Java
Align trailing comments exceeding max. line length C/C++ Java
Align variable/field declarations C/C++ Java
Align wrapped line to first chained method call dot . Java
Alignments C/C++ Java
Allow wrapping after assignments = C/C++
Alternative indentation C/C++ Java
Always wrap annotation qualifiers with arguments C/C++
Annotations Java Java Java
Apache Ant
Arrows Java
Assignments C/C++ C/C++ Java
Automatic format source files after opening in editor
Automatic format source files before saving editor content #
Avoid confusing indentations C/C++ Java
Avoid confusing indentations for methods and constructors declarations C/C++ Java

Bind a License to a User
Blank Lines C/C++ Java
Blank line after Doxygen C/C++
Blank line after JavaDocs Java
Blank lines after #define, #undef directives C/C++
Blank lines after #else, #elif directives C/C++
Blank lines after #endif directives C/C++
Blank lines after #if, #ifdef, #ifndef directives C/C++
Blank lines after #include directives C/C++
Blank lines after #line directives C/C++
Blank lines after #pragma directives C/C++
Blank lines after #warning #error directives C/C++
Blank lines after SQLJ statements Java
Blank lines after annotation type declarations Java
Blank lines after block comments C/C++ Java
Blank lines after blocks of linkage specifications C/C++
Blank lines after class declarations Java
Blank lines after class/struct and union declarations C/C++
Blank lines after constructor and destructor declarations C/C++
Blank lines after constructor declarations Java
Blank lines after end-of-line Comments C/C++ Java
Blank lines after enum declarations C/C++ Java
Blank lines after field declarations C/C++ Java
Blank lines after footer C/C++ Java
Blank lines after function declarations C/C++
Blank lines after header C/C++ Java
Blank lines after import declarations Java
Blank lines after instance initializers Java
Blank lines after interface declarations Java
Blank lines after local variable declarations C/C++ Java
Blank lines after macro functions C/C++
Blank lines after member declaration groups C/C++
Blank lines after metadata definitions C/C++
Blank lines after method declarations Java
Blank lines after other directives C/C++
Blank lines after package declarations Java
Blank lines after single-line comments C/C++ Java
Blank lines after statements containing blocks C/C++ Java
Blank lines after static initializers Java
Blank lines after using declarations C/C++
Blank lines after using directives C/C++
Blank lines around import declaration Java
Blank lines around static import declaration Java
Blank lines before #define, #undef directives C/C++
Blank lines before #else, #elif directives C/C++
Blank lines before #endif directives C/C++
Blank lines before #if, #ifdef, #ifndef directives C/C++
Blank lines before #include directives C/C++
Blank lines before #line directives C/C++
Blank lines before #pragma directives C/C++
Blank lines before #warning #error directives C/C++
Blank lines before Doxygen C/C++
Blank lines before JavaDocs Java
Blank lines before SQLJ statements Java
Blank lines before block comments C/C++ Java
Blank lines before break statement C/C++ Java
Blank lines before continue statement C/C++ Java
Blank lines before end-of-line comments C/C++ Java
Blank lines before footer C/C++ Java
Blank lines before goto statement C/C++
Blank lines before header C/C++ Java
Blank lines before local variable declarations C/C++ Java
Blank lines before metadata definitions C/C++
Blank lines before other directives C/C++
Blank lines before return statement C/C++ Java
Blank lines before single-line comments C/C++ Java
Blank lines before statements containing blocks C/C++ Java
Blank lines before throw statement C/C++ Java
Blank lines between enum elements and class body Java
Blocks/Initializers C/C++ Java
Bottom template Java Java Java Java
Brace style for Class/interface/annotation declarations Java
Brace style for blocks and initializers Java
Brace style for blocks, initializers, namespace and linkage definitions C/C++
Brace style for class/struct/union type declarations C/C++
Brace style for constructor/destructor/function declarations C/C++
Brace style for constructor/method declarations Java
Brace style for enumeration declarations C/C++ Java
Brace style for if-else statements C/C++ Java
Brace style for lambda blocks Java
Brace style for loop statements C/C++ Java
Brace style for switch case statements C/C++ Java
Brace style for try-catch statements C/C++ Java
Braces C/C++ Java
Braces Style C/C++ Java
Braces/Parentheses Insertion C/C++ Java
Brackets C/C++ Java

C / C++ C/C++
CVS (Concurrent Version System)
Changing Preview Source Files
Characters to fill up separator comments Java
Chunks C/C++ Java
Class/Interface/Annotation Type C/C++ Java
Classes Java
Code Analyzers Support C/C++
Code Convention C/C++ Java
Colons C/C++ Java
Combine padding parentheses to prevent white spaces C/C++ Java
Commas C/C++ Java
Comment Switches
Comments C/C++ C/C++ Java Java
Comments separate alignment chunks C/C++ C/C++ Java
Comparison operators: < > == != ... C/C++ Java
Conditional operators: && || C/C++ Java
Conditions C/C++ Java
Constant enums Java
Constructors Java
Context Menu In Templates
Convention name
Cuddle braces of empty blocks {} C/C++ C/C++ C/C++ C/C++ C/C++ C/C++ C/C++ C/C++ Java Java Java Java Java Java Java Java Java
chained method and constructor call operator . Java

Date format
Declarations C/C++ C/C++ Java Java
Delete block comments C/C++ Java
Delete end-of-line comments C/C++ Java
Delete existing Doxygen comments C/C++
Delete existing JavaDocs Java
Delete obsolete tags from existing JavaDocs Java
Delete single-line comments C/C++ Java
Delete trailing comments C/C++ Java
Deleting C/C++ Java
Detect footers NOT containing keys C/C++ Java
Detect footers containing keys C/C++ Java
Detect headers NOT containing keys C/C++ Java
Detect headers containing keys C/C++ Java
Directives/Macros C/C++ C/C++
Do NOT format comments containing keys C/C++ Java
Do not create JavaDocs when @Override annotation is set Java
Do not insert blank line before single left brace C/C++ C/C++ C/C++ C/C++ C/C++ C/C++ C/C++ C/C++ Java Java Java Java Java Java Java Java Java
Do not insert blank lines before comments appearing in the first line of source code files C/C++ Java
Do not insert spaces into empty for statements C/C++ Java
Do not wrap empty void parameter C/C++
Do-While/While/For C/C++ Java
Do-while statements C/C++ Java
Doxygen C/C++
Doxygens C/C++

Eclipse Plugin
Editor Events # #
Ellipses C/C++ Java
Empty Statements/Declarations C/C++ Java
Enable line wrapping to fit source code to maximal line length C/C++ Java
End of line output format C/C++ Java
Enum C/C++ Java
Enums Java
Environment Variables
Evaluation Version of Jindent
Exceeding lines separate alignment chunks C/C++ C/C++ Java
Exception separator template Java Java
Exception template Java Java
Exit Codes
Explanation of Buttons
Extension manager

Fields Java
File Extensions Manager #
File System Tree
Files Section
First level indentation size C/C++ Java
Footer C/C++ Java
Footer detection smart mode C/C++ Java
Footer insertion mode C/C++ Java
Footer text template C/C++ Java
For statements C/C++ Java
Format block comments C/C++ Java
Format detected footers C/C++ Java
Format detected headers C/C++ Java
Format end-of-line comments C/C++ Java
Format existing Doxygen comments C/C++
Format existing JavaDocs Java
Format single-line comments C/C++ Java
Format trailing comments C/C++ Java
Formatter Java
Formatter messages
Formatting C/C++ Java
friendly Java Java Java Java Java Java Java

General C/C++ C/C++ C/C++ Java Java Java #
General indentation size C/C++ Java
Generics Java
Get methods Java
Group empty functions for blank line insertion C/C++
Grouping depth of imported packages Java

Header C/C++ Java
Header detection smart mode C/C++ Java
Header insertion mode C/C++ Java
Header text template C/C++ Java
Header/Footer C/C++ Java
How to use Jindent's Open API

IDE Integrations
If number of lines in body is at least ... then insert blank line after { C/C++ C/C++ C/C++ C/C++ C/C++ C/C++ C/C++ C/C++ Java Java Java Java Java Java Java Java Java
If number of lines in body is at least ... then insert blank line before } C/C++ C/C++ C/C++ C/C++ C/C++ C/C++ C/C++ C/C++ Java Java Java Java Java Java Java Java Java
If-Else C/C++ Java
If-Else Statements C/C++ Java
If-else statements C/C++ Java
Import / Export (only plugins)
Import / Export Settings
Import declaration sorter tree Java
Import/Export Settings from/to File
Indent after right brace } C/C++ C/C++ C/C++ C/C++ C/C++ C/C++ C/C++ C/C++ Java Java Java Java Java Java Java Java Java
Indent assignments by tab stops C/C++ Java
Indent bit fields by tab stops C/C++
Indent block within Begin- and End-macros C/C++
Indent block { ... } from case C/C++ Java
Indent case from switch C/C++ Java
Indent comment out source code in first column comments C/C++ Java
Indent cuddled braces {} C/C++ C/C++ C/C++ C/C++ C/C++ C/C++ C/C++ C/C++ Java Java Java Java Java Java Java Java Java
Indent default values of annotations by tabs Java
Indent labels C/C++ Java
Indent leading code by tab stops C/C++ Java
Indent left brace { C/C++ C/C++ C/C++ C/C++ C/C++ C/C++ C/C++ C/C++ Java Java Java Java Java Java Java Java Java
Indent parameter declarations by tab stops C/C++ Java
Indent preprocessor directives C/C++
Indent right brace } C/C++ C/C++ C/C++ C/C++ C/C++ C/C++ C/C++ C/C++ Java Java Java Java Java Java Java Java Java
Indent trailing comments by tab stops C/C++ Java
Indent variable/field declarations by tab stops C/C++ Java
Indentation C/C++ Java
Indentation of first wrapped argument C/C++ C/C++ Java Java
Indentation of first wrapped base specifier C/C++
Indentation of first wrapped parameter C/C++ Java
Indentation of wrapped chained constructor and method calls Java
Indentation of wrapped colons of base specifiers C/C++
Indentation of wrapped constructor initializer colons C/C++
Indentation of wrapped extends Java
Indentation of wrapped first constructor initializer C/C++
Indentation of wrapped implements Java
Indentation of wrapped lambda parameters Java
Indentation of wrapped left parentheses ( C/C++ C/C++ C/C++ Java Java Java
Indentation of wrapped right parentheses ) C/C++ C/C++ C/C++ Java Java Java
Indentation of wrapped throw C/C++
Indentation of wrapped throws Java
Indentation size for namespaces C/C++
Info #
Initializers Java
Inner classes Java
Inner interfaces Java
Input C/C++ Java
Input encoding C/C++ Java
Input/Output operators: << >> C/C++
Insert blank lines before first case block C/C++ Java
Insert blank lines between case blocks C/C++ Java
Insert blank lines between different statement types C/C++ Java
Insert missing tags in existing JavaDocs Java
Insert separator comments before declarations within class, interface and enum declarations Java
Insert separator comments before import declarations Java
Insert separator comments before type declarations Java
Insert separator comments only between declarations within class, interface and enum declarations Java
Insert separator comments only between import declarations Java
Insert separator comments only between type declarations Java
Insert separator comments within nested class, interface and enum declarations Java
Insertion Of Braces/Parentheses C/C++ Java
Installation of Jindent
Installation with Installer
Installation without Installer
Installing License Keys #
IntelliJ IDEA
IntelliJ IDEA Plugin
Interfaces Java
Introduction to Apache Ant
Introduction to CVS
Introduction to Eclipse
Introduction to IntellIJ IDEA
Introduction to JBuilder
Introduction to JDeveloper 11g
Introduction to Netbeans IDE
Introduction to TextPad
Introduction to UltraEdit
Introduction to WinCVS
Invocation # #
Invocation Examples

JDK imports Java
JDeveloper Plugin
Java / SQLJ Java
JavaDoc messages
JavaDocs Java Java
Jindent #
Jindent Commander
Jindent Customizer
Jindent Note C/C++ Java
Jindent Plugins
Jindent Projects
Jindent's Customer Service Area
Jindent's Open API

Keep blank lines up to C/C++ Java
Known Issues in Jindent's Eclipse plugin

Labels C/C++ Java
Labels on new lines C/C++ Java
Lambda Java
Leave extra space after empty loops C/C++
Left brace { new line C/C++ C/C++ C/C++ C/C++ C/C++ C/C++ C/C++ C/C++ Java Java Java Java Java Java Java Java Java
License Key Installation Troubleshooting
License Keys
License key registration
Line Wrapping C/C++ Java
Line wrapping policy C/C++ Java
List of annotation qualifiers to wrap C/C++
Load style from preset C/C++ Java
Log file

Manual installation of Jindent as Apache Ant task
Manual installation of Jindent's CVS plugin #
Manual installation of Jindent's Eclipse plugin
Manual installation of Jindent's IntelliJ IDEA plugin
Manual installation of Jindent's JDeveloper 11g plugin
Manual installation of Jindent's Netbeans module
Manual installation of Jindent's TextPad plugin
Manual installation of Jindent's UltraEdit plugin
Maximal gap size of indentations C/C++ Java
Maximal gap size of indentations for multiple variable and field declarations C/C++ Java
Maximal line length C/C++ Java
Maximal line length used to fill up separator comments Java
Maximal number of annotation array values lined up in one line Java
Maximal number of annotation assignments lined up within parentheses Java
Maximal number of array initializer elements lined up in one line C/C++ Java
Maximal number of enumeration constants lined up in one line C/C++ Java
Maximal number of marker annotations lined up in one line as prefix before other declarations Java
Menu / Toolbar
Messages & Warnings
Metadata Definitions C/C++
Method Calls C/C++ Java
Method/Constructor C/C++ Java
Methods Java
Minimum number of spaces to separate trailing comments from code C/C++ Java
Misc C/C++ C/C++ Java Java Java

Namespaces C/C++
Netbeans Module
Never delete comments beginning in first column C/C++ Java
Never indent and format comments beginning in first column C/C++ Java
No padding of empty braces in initializers C/C++ Java
No padding of empty braces of generics Java
No padding of empty brackets C/C++ Java
No padding of empty parentheses C/C++ Java
Non-JDK imports Java
Note C/C++ Java
Notes C/C++ Java
Numerical operators: + - * / % & | << >> ... C/C++ Java

Obtain the License Key File
Obtaining License Keys
Operators C/C++ C/C++ Java Java
Organize Imports Java
Output C/C++ Java
Output encoding C/C++ Java

Padding additive operators + - C/C++ Java
Padding assignment operators = += -= /= *= ... C/C++ Java
Padding bitwise operators & | ^ C/C++ Java
Padding braces of generics Java
Padding braces of initializers C/C++ Java
Padding brackets C/C++ Java
Padding conditional operators && || C/C++ Java
Padding equality operators == != C/C++ Java
Padding expression parentheses C/C++ Java
Padding input/output operators << >> C/C++
Padding multiplicative operators * / % C/C++ Java
Padding of braces in template definitions C/C++
Padding of exception multicatch operators | Java
Padding parentheses of castings C/C++ Java
Padding parentheses of catch statements C/C++ Java
Padding parentheses of constructor and function calls C/C++
Padding parentheses of constructor and function declarations C/C++
Padding parentheses of constructor and method calls Java
Padding parentheses of constructor and method declarations Java
Padding parentheses of enum constants Java
Padding parentheses of for statements C/C++ Java
Padding parentheses of if statements C/C++ Java
Padding parentheses of normal annotations Java
Padding parentheses of single-member annotations Java
Padding parentheses of sizeof operators C/C++
Padding parentheses of switch statements C/C++ Java
Padding parentheses of synchronized statements Java
Padding parentheses of throw declarations C/C++
Padding parentheses of try statements Java
Padding parentheses of while statements C/C++ Java
Padding pointer operators -> C/C++
Padding relational operators < > <= => C/C++ Java
Padding shift operators << >> C/C++
Padding shift operators << >> >>> Java
Parameter Declarations C/C++ Java
Parameter separator template Java Java Java Java
Parameter template Java Java Java Java
Parentheses C/C++ Java
Parser messages
Position C/C++ C/C++ Java Java
Preserve C/C++ Java
Presets C/C++ Java
Preview Area
Preview Dialog
Preview Messages
Prohibit blank lines after left brace { C/C++ C/C++ C/C++ C/C++ C/C++ C/C++ C/C++ C/C++ Java Java Java Java Java Java Java Java Java
Put annotations always on new line Java
Put empty statements and declarations on new line C/C++ Java
private Java Java Java Java Java Java Java
protected Java Java Java Java Java Java Java
public Java Java Java Java Java Java Java

Qualifiers C/C++
QuestionsMarks C/C++ Java

Remove unused imports and resolve wildcard imports Java
Report Of Messages & Warnings
Report every file access
Reports Area
Required jar files
Return Template Java
Right brace } new line C/C++ C/C++ C/C++ C/C++ C/C++ C/C++ C/C++ C/C++ Java Java Java Java Java Java Java Java Java

Scopes C/C++
Section Selector
Selected Files List
Semicolons C/C++ Java
Separated by blank lines C/C++ C/C++ Java Java
Separator comments Java
Set methods Java
Settings Section
Silent Installation with Installer
Single else statement in one line C/C++ Java
Single if statement in one line C/C++ Java
Sort exceptions in JavaDoc templates Java
Sort import declarations Java
Sort type declarations Java
Sort within class, interface and enum declarations Java
Sorter Java
Sorting Java
Sorting Table Entries
Space after bangs ! C/C++ Java
Space after bangs ! appearing together with && || C/C++ Java
Space after brackets C/C++
Space after colons of assert statements Java
Space after colons of base specifiers C/C++
Space after colons of bit fields C/C++
Space after colons of constructor initializers C/C++
Space after colons of for statements Java
Space after colons of labels C/C++ Java
Space after colons of ternary conditions C/C++ Java
Space after commas C/C++ Java
Space after dereference operators * in names C/C++
Space after dereference operators * in types C/C++
Space after question marks of ternary conditions C/C++ Java
Space after reference operators & in names C/C++
Space after reference operators & in types C/C++
Space after right parentheses of castings C/C++ Java
Space after scopes C/C++
Space after semicolons of for statements C/C++ Java
Space after tildes ~ C/C++ Java
Space before bangs ! C/C++ Java
Space before bangs ! appearing together with && || C/C++ Java
Space before brackets C/C++ Java
Space before brackets in types Java
Space before colons in switch-case blocks C/C++
Space before colons of assert statements Java
Space before colons of base specifiers C/C++
Space before colons of bit fields C/C++
Space before colons of constructor initializers C/C++
Space before colons of for statements Java
Space before colons of labels C/C++ Java
Space before colons of ternary conditions C/C++ Java
Space before commas C/C++ Java
Space before dereference operators * in names C/C++
Space before dereference operators * in types C/C++
Space before ellipses C/C++ Java
Space before left braces C/C++
Space before left braces of array initializers Java
Space before left parentheses of annotation type member declarations Java
Space before left parentheses of assert statement Java
Space before left parentheses of catch statements C/C++ Java
Space before left parentheses of constructor and function calls C/C++
Space before left parentheses of constructor and function declarations C/C++
Space before left parentheses of constructor and method calls Java
Space before left parentheses of constructor and method declarations Java
Space before left parentheses of enum constants Java
Space before left parentheses of for statements C/C++ Java
Space before left parentheses of if statements C/C++ Java
Space before left parentheses of normal annotations Java
Space before left parentheses of return statement C/C++ Java
Space before left parentheses of single-member annotations Java
Space before left parentheses of sizeof operators C/C++
Space before left parentheses of switch statements C/C++ Java
Space before left parentheses of synchronized statements Java
Space before left parentheses of throw statement Java
Space before left parentheses of throw statement and declaration C/C++
Space before left parentheses of try statements Java
Space before left parentheses of while statements C/C++ Java
Space before question marks of ternary conditions C/C++ Java
Space before reference operators & in names C/C++
Space before reference operators & in types C/C++
Space before scopes C/C++
Space before semicolons C/C++ Java
Space before semicolons of for statements C/C++ Java
Space before tildes ~ C/C++ Java
Special Variables
Statements C/C++ C/C++ Java Java
Static fields Java
Static initializers Java
Switch-Case C/C++ C/C++ Java Java
Switch-Case Blocks C/C++ Java
Synchronising template settings
System Variables
System variables

Tabulator size of input source code C/C++ Java
Tabulator stop size C/C++ Java
Template Java Java Java
Templates C/C++ Java
Ternary Conditions C/C++ Java
Text Encoding C/C++ Java
Toolbar Of Preview Dialog
Top template Java Java Java Java
Trailing Comments C/C++ Java
Treat else and if as one else/if statement C/C++ Java
Try/Catch C/C++ Java
Type declaration sorter tree Java

Unbind a License
Upgrading Settings from 3.5x to 4.x.x
Usage of Jindent's Apache Ant Task
Usage of Jindent's Eclipse plugin
Usage of Jindent's IntelliJ IDEA plugin
Usage of Jindent's JDeveloper 11g plugin
Usage of Jindent's Netbeans module
Use case-sensitive name sorting Java
User Defined Variables
User defined variables

Variable/Field Declarations C/C++ Java

While statements C/C++ Java
White Spaces C/C++ Java
White space before colons in lambda expressions Java Java
White space before colons in method references Java Java
White space before colons in switch-case blocks Java
WinCVS (Concurrent Version System for Windows)
Within type declaration sorter tree Java
Wrap Enum constants C/C++ Java
Wrap after assignments = on demand Java
Wrap after for-each colon : Java
Wrap after left parentheses ( on demand C/C++ Java Java Java
Wrap after method declaration return types C/C++ Java
Wrap after modifiers Java
Wrap after points . on demand Java
Wrap all other arguments C/C++ C/C++ Java Java
Wrap all other base specifiers C/C++
Wrap all other parameters C/C++ Java
Wrap before colons of constructor initializers C/C++
Wrap before extends Java
Wrap before implements Java
Wrap before left parentheses ( C/C++ C/C++ C/C++ Java Java Java
Wrap before right parentheses ) C/C++ Java
Wrap before throw C/C++
Wrap before throws Java
Wrap chained constructor and method calls Java
Wrap chained constructor and method calls on demand C/C++
Wrap colons of base specifiers C/C++
Wrap conditional expressions Java
Wrap constructor initializers C/C++
Wrap extended classes Java
Wrap first argument C/C++ C/C++ Java Java
Wrap first base specifier C/C++
Wrap first constructor initializer C/C++
Wrap first parameter C/C++ Java
Wrap implemented interfaces Java
Wrap initializers of variable and field declarations to right side (in this case the 'maximal gap settings' will be ignored) C/C++ Java
Wrap lambda parameters of expressions with blocks Java
Wrap lines even if only comments exceed maximal line length C/C++ Java
Wrap right parentheses ) C/C++ C/C++ Java Java
Wrap throw exceptions C/C++
Wrap throws exceptions Java