
Jindent - IntelliJ IDEA Plugin

Read instructions how to download and install the Jindent IntelliJ IDEA plugin from Jetbrain's 3rd Party Plugin Repository.

Jindent - IntelliJ IDEA Plugin
You can download the Jindent IntelliJ IDEA plugin directly from IntelliJ's Plugin Repository:

  1. Start your IntelliJ IDEA IDE and click on the toolbar icon "Settings".

    IntelliJ IDEA's update site for Jindent the code formatter

  2. Now select "Plugins" in the left section. Click on the tab "Available" in the middle section to see the list of available IntelliJ IDEA pluins. Now select "Jindent - Source Code Formatter" and click right mouse button to choose "Download and Install" from context menu.

    IntelliJ IDEA's update site for Jindent the code formatter

  3. A confirmation window pops up - confirm with "Yes".
  4. IntelliJ IDEA is now going to download the plugin from the repository. After the download has finished click on "OK" button of the previous main window.
  5. IntelliJ IDEA asks you now to restart the IDE. Click "Yes" and after a fresh restart the Jindent plugin is installed and available.
  • Tags: IntelliJ IDEA, Plugin

Categories: Jindent - Source Code Formatter

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