Java Formatter:
declarations in interfaces were not allowed. This is fixed now.
- JavaDoc generation for
declarations in anonymous classes were enabled.
This is disabled now.
- Annotations were not allowed in interface declarations. This is fixed now.
- The last comma of
declarations of the type: enum Counter { ONE, TWO, THREE, }
threw a parser error. This is fixed now.
- Indentation of commented our source code could throw an
This is fixed now.
Jindent JDeveloper/IntelliJ IDEA plugins:
- Import of Jindent settings into plugins did not work properly. Imported settings were correctly shown
in plugin's customizer, but had no effect on Jindent's formatting processes. This is fixed now.
Java Formatter:
- Marker annotations in method declarations threw a parser exception. This is fixed now.
- Some comments not containing any line feed made Jindent throwing a
This is fixed now.
Jindent Commander:
- When saving new project files existing files with same filenames were overwritten without asking.
This is fixed now.
Trial Scheme:
- To enable Jindent's trial version it was necessary to install a special trial license key. In this
new release this key is not necessary anymore. If no retail license key is installed then
Jindent will act as a restricted trial version by default.
Jindent Commander:
New feature:
- Added refresh button for file system.
- On Jindent Commander's startup some CD drives on Windows NT systems reported
"There is no disk in the drive. Please insert a disk into drive.". This is fixed now.
- Saving and reloading of environment variables and sorting trees in Jindent Commander failed. This is fixed now.
- If closing window of unsaved Jindent Commander then a dialog pops up asking
"Quit and discard unsaved changes?". The cancel button of this dialog had no effect.
This is fixed now.
Jindent Customizer:
- If closing window of unsaved Jindent Customizer then a dialog pops up asking
"Quit and discard unsaved changes?". The cancel button of this dialog had no effect.
This is fixed now.
Jindent Commander:Jindent Commander:
- Bugfix: Reloading of saved Commander settings did not work. This is fixed now.
Jindent Java formatter:
New features:
- Support for all new Java 5.0 language features:
- Annotations and annotation type declarations added.
- Enum declarations added.
token added
import declaration added.
- Enhanced
loop added.
- Support for generics added.
Support for
tokens but still keeps downwards compatibility
to previous Java versions.
Unique full-control sorting support for all source code elements:
Sorting of: annotation types, enum constants, enums, classes, interfaces, static fields,
static initializers, fields, initializers, constructors, methods, inner classes, inner interfaces
and import declarations.
Sorting attributes can be:
- Names
- Access modifiers
abstract, final, native, static, strictfp, synchronized, volatile, transient
- Annotation modifier
- Method/class/interface/enum/field names
- Field types
values of methods
- Parameter counts of methods/constructors
- Method types: getters, has-getters, is-getters, setters, ordinary methods
- Import names
- Import
- Import membership: belongs to JDK, does not belong to JDK
- Insertion of comments between source code elements to separate them into thematic divisions.
Improvement of line wrapping algorithm:
- Improved stability in line wrapping algorithm.
- Introduction of new line wrapping policies.
- Improved detection of big gaps in line wrapping.
New line wrapping switches for method/constructor declarations.
Wrap lines:
always, never, on demand, if line exceeds
New line wrapping switches for method/constructor calls.
Wrap lines:
always, never, on demand, if line exceeds
- Improved of wrapping of
, extends
and implements
Wrap lines: always, never, on demand, if line exceeds
- Improved line wrapping of code containing trailing comments.
Completely new grouped and fine grained formatting switches for white spaces and padding.
Introduction of native Jindent installer (bundled with and without JRE) for most common operating systems:
- All windows systems
- Linux systems
- Solaris (sparc) systems
- MacOS
New brace style partitioning for enum and annotation declarations.
New brace style switches to receive a more spacious formatting style.
Enhanced insertion of blank lines after left braces.
Several predifined brace style presets.
Introduction of extension manager to support several language formatter.
New formatting switches for empty statements and declarations.
General improvement of comment handling.
Indentation of commented out source code chunks to current indentation level.
New JavaDoc insertion support for annotation type declarations and enumerations.
Alignment of
values in annotation type declarations.
Improved scheme and handling of header/footer detection and insertion.
General improvement of blank line switches and new switches for statements
Support for Mac text encoding.
Improved grouping of messages and warnings.
- Comment
was used throw error in Jindent. This is fixed.
- Fixed some blank line and formatting bugs with multiline comments appearing as trailing comments.
- Fixed problem with method names or variable names using keyword
- 'Maximal gap size of indentations' works for all formattings now.
- Blanklines in
statements will be now inserted after break
and throw
- A lot of other bug fixes.
Jindent Commander:
New features:
- Completely new design of Jindent Commander.
- Full integration of Jindent Customizer.
- New and easy file selection mechanism.
- Introduction of source code preview dialog.
- Preview of Jindent's message and warning generation.
- File filters.
- Partial recursive selection mode.
- Jindent projects can be executed by the Jindent command line application without Jindent Commander.
- Flippable splitpanes allow individual configuration of the Jindent Commander GUI.
Jindent Customizer:
New features:
- Completely new redesign of Jindent Customizer topics and GUI.
- Introduction of source code preview dialog:
- Immediately shows the new formatting effects of changed Jindent settings.
- Build in source code files for meaningful previews.
- Optional usage of user defined source code files in preview.
- Syntax highlighting for all kind of source codes.
- Toggle of special formatting symbols in preview. Symbols for: tabulators, spaces and line breaks.
- Free scaling of preview font size to see all effects of line wrapping or to zoom into other regions of interest.
- Preview of Jindent's message and warning generation.
- Improvement of Help On Click system: Online help for all settings available.
- Introduction of context menu in template settings to automatically insert environment variables.
- Improved handling of environment variables.
- Automatic import of Jindent settings from previous versions.
- Registration of license keys can now be easily proceed in Jindent Customizer.
Jindent Plugins:
New features:
Completely new rewritten IntelliJ IDEA 4.5 plugin:
- Automatic installation through native installer.
- Formatting menu item in editor's context menu.
- Formatting menu item in file navigation's context menu.
- Formatting of single files, directories, packages and whole projects.
- Undo for all formatting options.
- Shows formatting progress bar.
- Build in Jindent Customizer and preview for easy configuration of plugin.
- Help On Click support in plugin.
- Support for optimization of import declarations.
- Show messages, warnings and errors in dialog.
Click on messages and the according file opens up in editor window. Cursor is located on the
source code line which is causing the message.
Completely new rewritten JDeveloper 10g plugin:
- Automatic installation through native installer.
- Formatting menu item in editor's context menu.
- Formatting menu item in file navigation's context menu.
- Formatting of single files, directories, packages and whole projects.
- Undo for all formatting options.
- Shows formatting progress bar.
- Build in Jindent Customizer and preview for easy configuration of plugin.
- Help On Click support in plugin.
- Show messages, warnings and errors in JDeveloper console.
Click on messages and the according file opens up in editor window. Cursor is located on the
source code line which is causing the message.
Jindent Manual:
New features:
- Completely rewritten Jindent manual.
- Detailed source code examples for all settings and switches.
- Many screenshots for improved explanation.