
Jindent 4.0.9 released

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Java formatter:
New features:
  • Added new settings to control blank lines after instance and static initalizers.
  • To handle bigger Java source files by default the initial Java heap space of native Jindent exe files and execution scripts is now set to 256MB.
  • Since Jindent version 4.0.8 a bug in Jindent's Java token manager slowed down formatting of big Java files and disabled recognition of empty method declarations. This is fixed now.
  • The XML Bean encoder of Java 6.0 has changed its policy to access getters of boolean bean properties. This affects Jindent's sorting tree elements and causes a partial loss of Jindent's configuration data while saving settings. This is fixed now.
  • In some special cases Jindent's alignment algorithm removed white spaces from nested ternary expressions. This is fixed now.
  • Outdent of commented out Java source code did still not work properly. This is finally fixed now.
  • Fixed a grammar bug for combinations of Annotations and final modifiers in parameter declarations of methods and constructors.
  • Saving of encoding settings did not work properly if selected encoding was the same as the system's default encoding. This is fixed.
  • Block comments beginning with an html tag like: /*<tag> ... were not recognized correctly. This is fixed.
  • Fixed some minor GUI layouting issues.
Java/SQLJ formatter:
  • Blank lines after SQLJ statements did not work. This is fixed now.
Jindent Eclipse plugin:
New features:
  • Added new feature to automatic format Java content after opening in Eclipse editor window and before saving Java content from editor window.
  • Since the JRE 1.5.0 Update 07 release Mac OS supports a proper AWT-SWT bridge. The Jindent plugin is now able to embed Jindent's preference panels into the Eclipse SWT GUI.

Jindent 4.0.8 released

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Java formatter:
  • Line wrapping settings always, if line exceeds and never had no effect for constructor and method call arguments used in variable and field declarations. This is fixed now.
  • First column JavaDocs were treated as first column comments. This is fixed.
  • Blank lines insertion for headers/footers did not work properly for some configurations. As a result unexpected blank lines could be inserted before/after headers and footers. This is fixed.
  • Improved Jindent default settings for header/footer handling.
  • Parse error occured in certain generic declarations used as return types in method declarations. This is fixed.
  • //J- //J+ code blocks could be messed up by sorting source code elements. This is fixed.
  • Setting Combine padding parentheses did not work properly for empty parentheses (). This is fixed.
  • Indent/outdent of commented out source code did not work properly for some block and end-of-line comments. This is fixed now.
  • Sorting and changing the order of initialized field declarations were not possible to avoid runtime side effects in Java code. Jindent is now able to detect field assignments to primitive values. The order of these fields can be changed without any expected different runtime behaviour.

    // Assignments to primitive values
    int    c = 100 / 10;
    String b = "Hello World !";
    int[]  a = new int[]{ 1, 2, 3, 4 }; 

    // Assignments to primitive values
    int[]  a = new int[]{ 1, 2, 3, 4 };
    String b = "Hello World !";
    int    c = 100 / 10; 
Jindent license checker:
  • Single user license keys bound to a login name containing whitespaces did not work properly. This is fixed now.
Jindent customizer:
New feature:
  • Added more setting constraints to the GUI.
  • Improved splitpane handling for messages in preview components.
  • Environment variables fileName and fullFileName did not work properly in the source preview window of the Jindent customizer. This is fixed.
  • Improved previews for header/footer settings.
  • Saving of input/output encoding did not work properly. Encoding was always saved as default system encoding. This is fixed.
  • Fixed some typos in the GUI.
Jindent console application:
  • Added deprecated command line argument -noswing from Jindent 3.x to preserve backward compatibility in shell scripts.
  • Command line argument -s which is a shortcut for -set and -p had no effect. This is fixed now.
Jindent Eclipse plugin:
New feature:
  • Added Jindent command for shortkey assignment to invoke Jindent easily from editor window.
  • Jindent's preferences froze up on Linux OS. This is fixed now.
  • NullPointerException could be thrown if plugin lost focus on Java editor window. This is fixed.
  • Fixed some problems regarding MacOS detection and invocation of Jindent's customizer from the Eclipse preferences.
  • Recognition of internal Eclipse file encoding did not work properly. This is fixed.
  • Catching of SWT errors for JREs older than version 1.5 on Linux OS.
Jindent Netbeans plugin:
Released new Jindent plugins for the final version of Netbeans 5.0 and Netbeans 5.5:
  • Automatic installation through native installer.
  • Formatting menu item in editor's context menu.
  • Formatting menu item in file navigation's context menu.
  • Formatting of single files, directories, packages and whole projects.
  • Editor Undo for all formatting options.
  • Shows formatting progress bar.
  • Build in Jindent Customizer and preview for easy configuration of plugin.
  • Java Help support in plugin.
  • Show messages, warnings and errors in Netbeans console.
  • Click on messages and the according file opens up in editor window. Cursor is located on the source code line which is causing the message.
Jindent JDeveloper plugin:
Released new Jindent plugin for the final version of JDeveloper 10.1.3:
  • Automatic installation through native installer.
  • Formatting menu item in editor's context menu.
  • Formatting menu item in file navigation's context menu.
  • Formatting of single files, directories, packages and whole projects.
  • Undo for all formatting options.
  • Shows formatting progress bar.
  • Build in Jindent Customizer and preview for easy configuration of plugin.
  • Help On Click support in plugin.
  • Show messages, warnings and errors in JDeveloper console.
  • Click on messages and the according file opens up in editor window. Cursor is located on the source code line which is causing the message.
Jindent IntelliJ IDEA plugins:
Released new Jindent plugin for IntelliJ IDEA 6.0:
  • Automatic installation through native installer.
  • Formatting menu item in editor's context menu.
  • Formatting menu item in file navigation's context menu.
  • Formatting of single files, directories, packages and whole projects.
  • Undo for all formatting options.
  • Shows formatting progress bar.
  • Build in Jindent Customizer and preview for easy configuration of plugin.
  • Help On Click support in plugin.
  • Show messages, warnings and errors in JDeveloper console.
  • Click on messages and the according file opens up in editor window. Cursor is located on the source code line which is causing the message.
Bugfixes in all plugin versions:
  • Alignment of Customizer's preview window did not work properly for Windows XP look and feel. This is fixed.
  • Invoking Jindent on source code selections in editor windows messed up formatted output. This is fixed.

Jindent 4.0.7 released

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Jindent console application:
New feature:
  • Refactoring of classes to reduce Java VM startup time.
  • Since version 4.0.6 the Jindent Customizer window showed up after invoking the console application. This is fixed.
Java formatter:
  • Outdent of commented out source code did not work properly for end-of-line comments. This is fixed.
Jindent plugins:
New feature:
  • Brand new plugin for Eclipse 3.1 released.
  • Improved auto alignment of Jindent's preferences and source code preview window.
  • Clicking Cancel button in Jindent preferences panels had no effect. Always all changes were applied. This is fixed now.

Jindent 4.0.6 released

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Jindent Customizer:
New feature:
  • Added an 'original' and 'formatted' source code tab to Jindent's preview dialogs.
Jindent Commander:
  • Splitpane in Jindent's Commander could threw an exception. This is fixed.
Java formatter:
  • Input/output encoding had no effect. Always system's default encoding was used. This is fixed now.
  • Since version 4.0.4 blank line insertions before comments had no effect in some cases. This is fixed now.
  • Changed message 'Formatting 0 of 100 files ...' in Jindent's progress dialog and components to Initializing....
All Jindent plugins:
New features:
  • Auto alignment of Jindent's preferences and source code preview window.
Jindent JDeveloper plugins:
New features:
  • Full support for the latest JDeveloper Release 3 (10.1.3) Early Access.
Jindent IntelliJ IDEA plugins:
New features:
  • Full support for the latest IntelliJ IDEA 5.0 release.
  • Improved Jindent message report in a special IntelliJ IDEA tool window.
  • Fixed a slidebar initializing problem in Jindent's plugin preferences dialog for IntelliJ IDEA 4.5/5.0 plugins.

Jindent 4.0.5 released

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Jindent console application:
New features:
  • Added generation of exit codes to improve batch file support.
  • In some cases wildcard arguments for Jindent's console application were not interpreted properly. This is fixed.
  • On some Linux/Unix systems the trial version of Jindent's console application did not terminate properly after a trial splash screen pop up. This is fixed.
  • Trial version of Jindent's console application threw an invalid license format error on some files. This is fixed now.
  • Copying of non-Java files (resource files) did not work properly. This is fixed now.
  • Mute-mode did not mute warnings. This is fixed now.

Jindent Commander:
New features:
  • Jindent Commander now supports wildcard characters '*' and '?' instead of simple extension matching.
  • ConcurrentModificationException were thrown while changing file tree. This is fixed now.

Jindent Customizer:
  • Fixed GUI constraint for separator comment Set Methods in the sorting section.

Java formatter:
  • In some cases comment associations for source code elements did not work properly. This effected an extra blank line insertion after comments.
    For instance, source code:
    public class Test 
        private int fieldA;
        // Comment for fieldB
        private int fieldB;
    was changed to:
    public class Test 
        private int fieldA;
        // Comment for fieldB
        private int fieldB;
    This problem is fixed now.

  • Environment variables declarationName and declarationType were not resolved properly. This is fixed now.
  • Fixed Parse Error problem which rarely occured for few files containing multiple backslashes. For instance: String s = "\\\n";

License scheme:
New features:
  • Jindent's license scheme has changed to be more flexible for site licenses and network connections.
    In previous Jindent versions all license keys were stored with Java's Preferences mechanism. Now the license keys are stored in a subfolder of Jindent's lib/ directory.
    Please note: Due these changes it is necessary to install Jindent's license keys again after upgrading Jindent to version 4.0.5.

Jindent JDeveloper/IntelliJ IDEA plugins:
New features:
  • The JDeveloper plugin now supports JDeveloper version 10.1.3 preview.
  • Correct restoring of column and line positions in IDE's editor windows after formatting source code with Jindent's JDeveoper and IntelliJ IDEA plugins.